With the image stack importer it is possible to import a stack of simple image files. Where the required stacking parameters can easily defined manually.
Currently only are only *.png images supported.
Imported image stack from an retina oct scan
Stacking parameters:
Files: Number of files found to import
Presets: Some predefined stacking parameters
Volume Size: Size of the imported volume in millimetres. It is recommended to use something between 100 and 2000 millimetres
Mapping: Mapping of image color values to voxel values… Using similar values like a CT hounsfield dataset, will allow to use standard transfer functions
Empty Space: For performant rendering Specto needs to now a threshold where voxels below are considered empty space (air)
Filter: Additionally to the threshold it is possible to add use a noise filter 0.0 = off 1.0 = full filtering
Crop: Crop the volume. values are proportion per axis 0.0 = no crop 1.0 = full crop
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